want to die because
- It hurts so much
- You hate me
- I am an awful person
- It's hopeless
- There's no point
- No one would notice if I were
- I hate you
- My hamster died
- I have a terrible urge to kill
- I can't stand the pain
- The voices are telling me to
do it and I can't help myself
- I am so useless that there is
no difference between being dead and alive
- The good times are all over
- I used to be someone but now
I am a hopeless wreck
- It would serve them right
- I can't stand feeling this way
any more
- I have committed the sin against
the Holy Ghost
- I am irredeemably guilty
- I can't stand the pain
- Killing myself just seems like
a normal thing to do
- Why not?
- My Chinese Food order got lost
- He left me
- No one loves me
- No one even gives the slightest
damn about me
- Commander Zarvox of the Martian
Army told me it was my duty to die for the cause
- Life is meaningless
- What's the point of living anyway
when you can only feel pain
- No one is benefitting from my
continued existence
- I'm not doing anything worthwhile
- There's a terrible pain right
in the center of my head
- The demons are tempting me to
kill myself
- They're whispering my name over
and over again and I can't stand it
- I can't stand the pain
- Bush got elected president
- All you do is die in the end
anyway, so why wait?
- I just sleep and do nothing so
I am dead already
- I don't have a job
- I flunked out of school because
I just slept instead of going to class
- I am mentally ill and who wants
to be a mental patient?
- I can't stand the pain
- Everyone hates mentally ill people
- They're talking about me behind
my back
- They're following me
- They're out to get me
- I can't stand the pain
- I can't concentrate enough to
do anything
- I have lost my memory
- My whole body hurts
- I am like an Alzheimer's patient
and they get to die in the end
- My brain is rot
- The population is too high anyway
- Euthanasia should be permitted
for depression
- There is no cure
- I can't stand the pain
- The meds don't work
- The meds just make me fat and
- All my friends are making progress
and I'm just stuck getting nowhere
- No one will marry me because
I am such a loser
- I am so ashamed of what I did
when I was manic
- It felt really good to be manic
and now it's over and I can't take the let-down
- Why do you care?
- It just seems like the right
thing to do
- I can't stand the pain